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Assessment Tools


Assessment Tools

Managing For Success

Caribbean Catalyst Inc., through TTI Success Insights, uses the Managing For Success psychometric assessment primarily for determining best fit for recruitment and selection assignments. The in-depth assessment provides valuable insights on the characteristics or behaviours which an individual would display on the job, based on the DiSC® (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance) model.

Purpose of the tool: It can be used for recruitment as well as for promotion or coaching.


Assessment Tools

Work Environment Assessment

The Work Environment assessment tool can be used to define the behaviours or characteristics required of the role based on the DiSC®.

It can also be used in conjunction with the Managing For Success, providing a comprehensive “Job Fit” comparison for each candidate.

Purpose of the tool: It can be used for recruitment and promotion – developing interview questions and seeing how candidates fit with the role.


Assessment Tools

OPAC Assessment

Caribbean Catalyst Inc., through the Biddle Consulting Group, uses Office Proficiency Assessment and Certification (OPAC). This assessment is a tool that tests the critical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for success in today’s office environment. The assessment is geared towards administrative and clerical roles.

OPAC’s complete suite of validated tests includes typing speed and accuracy, Microsoft® Windows®, Word®, Excel®, Outlook®, PowerPoint® and QuickBooks® (among other applications and skills). The programme also provides specialised assessments for the legal, medical, and customer service fields.

Purpose of the tool: The feedback is used for coaching and is ideally suited for those being prepared for succession.


Assessment Tools

360 Leadership Assessment

Caribbean Catalyst Inc., through International Leadership Associates, utilises the LPI®: Leadership Practices Inventory®. This assessment tool is a 360° instrument which measures the frequency of 30 specific leader behaviours – behaviours that leaders engage in when performing at their best.

These behaviours are directly related to the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership™ (Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act and Encourage the Heart), as detailed by authors Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner in their award winning book, The Leadership Challenge. Utilising feedback from others, the LPI® draws attention to an individual’s strengths and areas for improvement as a leader.

Purpose of the tool: The feedback is used for coaching and is ideally suited for those being prepared for succession.


Assessment Tools

The Five Behaviours of A Cohesive Team Assessment

Caribbean Catalyst Inc. has employed the Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team® assessment tool which utilises Patrick Lencioni’s model for teamwork which focuses on Building Trust, Mastering Conflict, Achieving Commitment, Embracing Accountability, and Focusing on Results.

Using the DiSC® (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness) model, the assessment provides information to the participants on the current team’s dynamics and their own behaviours. Comprehensive team and individual reports are produced, and these are used as the foundation for training on Building a More Cohesive Team.

Purpose of the tool: To be used in-house by those who are seeking to build effective teams.

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Strategic Planning


Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is important in helping to define the future needs of the business in a changing and competitive environment.  Using the SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results) approach, we assist by ensuring that the organisation’s medium to long-term goals are clearly identified.

We also develop an action plan focused on how to achieve the goals identified. Our approach is to work with the organisation to get collective input from all stakeholders to ensure the goals identified are implemented.

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Recruitment & Selection


Recruitment & Selection

When acquiring talent for your business, a candidate’s qualifications and experience are only the foundation. With a dedicated HR Consultant, we will work with you to understand your needs to ensure that from initial employee search to hiring the attributes and character are the best fit for your organisation.

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Compensation & Benefits


Compensation & Benefits

We conduct customised and industry specific compensation and benefits surveys showing a comparison of your salary and cash allowances by position against the market. We can also help your organisation to develop a compensation structure that is strategically aligned to your organisation’s business goals.

Additionally, we possess a compensation database from which we can supply information on base salaries, cash-based allowances, benefits and pay practices. We also provide advice on compensation and benefits trends in Barbados.

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Job Evaluation


Job Evaluation

Using a proven range of methodologies and technique, job evaluation systematically assesses the internal worth of a job in order to achieve pay equity between jobs in the organisation. This leads to the development of a consistent salary structure across the organisation.

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Talent Development


Talent Development

An organisation’s talent is its lifeline. Alignment of a process that effectively monitors, measures and develops talent is key to the achievement of the organisation’s strategic objectives. Using a systematic and inclusive approach, we can develop an effective process of co-development of objectives, coaching, continuous feedback and year end evaluation, to effectively lead the performance and development of talent, including performance incentive pay plans.

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Test test

HR Advisory


HR Advisory

Our experienced Consultants can provide expertise and guidance in the absence of an in-house HR resource on any HR related matter such as employment advice, contracts, policies, disciplinary or grievance concerns, etc.

As part of our HR Advisory services, we provide support to companies who are experiencing any changes to their business structure due to internal restructuring, mergers or acquisitions.  We will review and evaluate the organisation’s current structure, understand workflows and linkages between departments. We can assist in managing and analysing the HR issues which may result from the restructuring process.

We can also assist in conducting an audit which analyses your organisation’s HR programmes to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Through this audit, we will be able to provide recommendations and suggestions to remedy these problems in order for the organisation to better deliver on its people strategy.

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Employee Opinion Surveys


Employee Opinion Surveys

We conduct customised surveys that gather feedback on the effectiveness of the organisation’s people practices and provide recommendations with a view towards improving leadership, engagement and productivity.  The survey can also be aligned with the Barbados’ Best Employers Programme allowing for benchmarking against participating companies.

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Payroll Outsourcing


Payroll Outsourcing

We provide payroll services to local, regional and international organisations.  Our payroll services include the calculation of net pay, preparation of tax calculations, miscellaneous deductions and remittance to government agencies.

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Personal Tax Advisory


Personal Tax Advisory

We provide personal tax preparation for locals and expatriates.  We liaise directly with the Department of Inland Revenue on matters relating to personal tax filings.

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We advise on immigrant status, citizenship, work-permit applications, renewals and student visas, CARICOM skilled national registration, extension of stay and special entry visas.  We can also assist in preparing and submitting related paperwork.

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In the event of company restructuring which results in employee terminations, our outplacement services can assist your displaced employees with guidance on career planning, interviewing skills, CV preparation and job search.

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Coaching and Counselling


Coaching and Counselling

We can provide one-on-one coaching and counselling for employees who are experiencing challenges on the job. This service is facilitated by a Certified Management Coach and a Senior Consultant who is certified in counselling; their interventions focus on influencing behavioural changes to positively impact productivity and engagement.

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